We are in the midst of a rapture and end times frenzy. What do I mean by that? If you check the You Tube videos relating to the rapture, end times prophecies, the Jewish Feasts, Blood Moons, or videos made by Jonathan Cahn, Mark Biltz, Perry Stone, John Hagee, and others, you will find all sorts of information on what we can expect in the end days, or in other words, the end of the church age as Christians call it. The Bible itself tells us a lot about what will happen, and Bible scholars who have intensely studied this topic of eschatology, are sharing with the viewers information so we can be prepared.
As a result, many Christians have been gearing themselves up for the rapture to occur soon. They sense they are in the season, as crazy world events indicate that the birth pains that Jesus described would happen, are indeed happening. Here it is September 2015, and there has never been so many prophetic events planned for this month! It is amazing, and like Jonathan Cahn calls it, 'a perfect storm'. Today as I write, September 14, 2015, is the Jewish New Year, or the Feast of Trumpets or Rosh Hashanah. The blowing of the shofar, which has historically been done at this fall Jewish feast, is a foreshadow of the rapture of the church, as some believe. I Thessalonians 4:15-17 tells us that when the trumpet, or shofar is blown, the dead in Christ will be raised, and those who know Jesus as Lord and Savior will join them in the sky, to receive their glorified bodies and be with Jesus. Does this mean today or tonight we may be raptured?
What will happen if we aren't? What will happen if 2016 happens and we're still here? Does this mean these so called prophets aren't really prophets at all, but false prophets to mislead the people? What are we to think about all of this?
Jesus tells us in Matthew 24:36 that of the day or hour of His return no one knows, not even the angels. But only the heavenly Father knows. He didn't even know. When He does return for the Saints, or the Church, He will return as a Bridegroom coming for His bride, a pure and spotless bride. A typical Jewish wedding happened when the bride would be ready and waiting for her groom to come and get her. She did not know when the marriage would take place, and he didn't either. But the groom's father did, and when everything was ready, the father would tell his son to go get his bride.
Remember the story of the ten virgins who were waiting for the bridegroom to come and get them? In Matthew 25, we read that it was a dark time (midnight) and they had lamps. Five of them were wise and kept enough oil with them to light their lamps, but the other five were foolish and didn't keep enough oil with them. It took a long time for the bridegroom to come, and they were tired of waiting and fell asleep. Suddenly, a cry was heard, an announcement that the bridegroom was coming. They all got up to trim their lamps. The foolish girls ran out of oil, and had to go out to buy more. While they were away, the bridegroom came, and took the five wise girls with him. When the foolish girls returned, they learned the door had been shut and they weren't allowed to go in. Verse 13 in this chapter tells us, "Watch, therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour, in which the Son of Man is coming."
What does this mean to you, as a Christian? The oil represents the Holy Spirit. And while we wait for our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, to come for us, we need to make sure we are filled with the Holy Spirit, to love Him with all our heart, soul, mind and strength, and to make Him our first priority. We need to maintain an intimate relationship with Him, and grow in our faith.
Even if He doesn't come today, or tomorrow, or next week, or even next month, we need to draw close to Him, abiding in His love, and making sure we are ready. There is nothing that needs to be fulfilled before the rapture occurs, so it is imminent.
So, how long are you willing to wait?
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