I happen to love the summer season with all the fresh fruits and vegetables that are now available. And it's so much easier to eat in a healthy way. We don't have a garden because our soil is so terrible, but we do have blueberry bushes, and they are now ripening! When I cut into my cantaloupe this morning, I couldn't help but notice all those seeds! I wonder if they would grow more cantaloupes if I planted them? Not having that green of a gardening thumb, I kind of doubt it. But, those seeds are cantaloupe seeds. Not apple seeds. Not tomato seeds. God put those seeds in there to grow more cantaloupes. To keep that fruit alive. I could throw those seeds and peel into our compost pile in the woods, but it's not convenient, and instead, they go in the garbage along with the peel, as I'm only interested in eating the fruit itself.
As I was thinking about this on my walk this morning, it occurred to me that God has done the same thing to us! In my Bible is a section entitled 'Life By The Spirit', and in it is Galatians 5:22-23 ~
The fruit of the Spirit is
love, joy, peace, patience,
kindness, goodness, faithfulness,
gentleness and self-control.
When we love the Lord and aim to abide in Him, He gives us the fruit of the Holy Spirit, with the purpose of displaying these "seeds" and spreading them to others. If we sow love to others, that love will continue on and grow more love. If we sow joy, likewise, more joy will result in others, and ourselves. Think about it. When we sow the fruit of the Spirit, we are spreading God's fruit to others, and as a result, more fruit will be sowed. Beyond measure! What a better world we would be in.
All to often, due to our negligence, we waste those seeds and throw them away, not allowing them to spread to others. We receive God's love, but don't share it with others. We hoard and feast on the fruits of His joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control that He gives to us, but we allow them to end there. I know, at times, I tend to waste the seeds of His fruit, and allow them to be swallowed up in the garbage of life. I need to be reminded of the value of them. His Kingdom needs the nourishment of these precious seeds, and we are called to plant them. Don't allow them to be thrown away, as the enemy would like you to do. Get out there, and sow!