Show me the one, show me the way, help me to know just how to share the love You gave.

Look around you! There is probably someone who could use some love! All too often, we find ourselves surrounded by people who are going through some difficult times. Perhaps you are! Whether it's unemployment, family problems, health problems, depression, loneliness, or whatever, all of us would like some relief from what we are going through. We need to see that there is a light at the end of the tunnel!

And there is! The Light of Lights, Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, is willing and more than able to lift us from our darkness, into His pure and safe haven of light. He promises His love and presence to heal and deliver, to strengthen and help, all those who call on Him.

Like the beam from the mighty lighthouse, that directs ships safely back to harbor, His Light is there to show us the way to Him, for Jesus is truly the Way, the Truth and the Life.

It is my prayer that this site encourages you to reflect His light to those around you who need to know Him. Let Him use you to share His love. And as you embark on this remarkable journey, please share your experiences so that all of us can grow together in our quest to reach all the world, lest anyone should perish.

May God richly bless you!

"For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Complaining About Complaining

All of us are guilty of complaining about something. After all, this isn't heaven! I was made aware of this recently, and just have to vent! Guess I'm going to complain about complaining!
"I have to go into work again. Boy, don't I ever get a day off? They work me like a slave. Don't appreciate me, either."
"My kids are driving me crazy! I don't have any time to myself any more. They only come to me for money. They want this. They want that. They want me to babysit their kids all the time. Don't they know I need to save for retirement?"
"I don't have anything to wear! All my clothes are either worn out or out of fashion. Need to get more shoes."
"I'm too fat. I'm too short. My face is ugly. I don't like the color of my hair."
"My parents are weird. They just want to pry into my life and tell me what to do. Don't they get it? I need some space."
"I hope my parents don't expect me to wait on them hand and foot when they get old. I'm going to be busy with my own life. Let's see...which nursing home will they like?"
"Don't know how on earth we'll be able to fit everybody in for our Thanksgiving dinner. Too many relatives now, and they all want to sponge off on us. And their kids...why don't they make them behave?"
"Why can't we have a beautiful home like they have? Boy, they sure go on alot of vacations."
"Their kids don't give them any trouble. Why do ours seem to?"
My husband is such a slob around the house and never helps me.
Fill in the blank with one of your own!__________________________________________________
What's wrong with this picture? I don't think we even realize we do so much complaining... but we do. We tend to view the world based on our own comfort level, and sometimes we feel that life is unfair.
I heard Joyce Meyers say that when Christians complain about things in their lives, that it disappoints God. For what He has ordained for us isn't seeming to be good enough. Ouch!
The Bible has this to say about contentment:
Keep your lives free from the love of money
and be content with what you have.
Because God has said,
"Never will I leave you;
never will I forsake you."
Hebrews 13:5
And Paul writes:
I have learned to be content in whatever the circumstances.
For I know what it is to be in need,
and I know what it is to have plenty.
I have learned the secret of being content
in any and every situation,
whether well fed or hungry,
whether living in plenty or want.
Philippians 4:11,12
My personal reflection on this is when we complain to others about what we have, there is always someone who doesn't have it, and wish he does. And perhaps we are complaining to the very person who wishes he had what we are taking for granted!
Imagine this going on in his head while you are making these statements: 
"I have to go into work again. Boy, don't I ever get a day off? They work me like a slave. Don't appreciate me, either."  At least you have a job. I've been looking for months and no one will hire me.
"My kids are driving me crazy! I don't have any time to myself any more. They only come to me for money. They want this. They want that. They want me to babysit their kids all the time. Don't they know I need to save for retirement?"  I wish my kids were around. They don't live near me anymore and never call.  My son died last year in a car accident.
"I don't have anything to wear! All my clothes are either worn out or out of fashion. Need to get more shoes." By the time I pay all the bills, there isn't anything left to go shopping.
"I'm too fat. I'm too short. My face is ugly. I don't like the color of my hair." When I was little, I was burned, leaving my face in scars. Chemotherapy has made my hair fall out.
"My parents are weird. They just want to pry into my life and tell me what to do. Don't they get it? I need some space." My parents are divorced and don't want me in their new lives.
"I hope my parents don't expect me to wait on them hand and foot when they get old. I'm going to be busy with my own life. Let's see...which nursing home will they like?" My parents died when I was a teen. I've had to raise myself.
"Don't know how on earth we'll be able to fit everybody in for our Thanksgiving dinner. Too many relatives now, and they all want to sponge off on us. And their kids...why don't they make them behave?" I'm the only child, and my parents are gone. Never married either. Guess I'll be alone again.
"Why can't we have a beautiful home like they have? Boy, they sure go on alot of vacations." We need to go on vacations to clear our minds from all the stress going on in our lives.
"Their kids don't give them any trouble. Why do ours seem to?" We never could have kids. 
My husband is such a slob around the house and never helps me. My husband died two years ago.
The next time we are in the mood to complain, let's stop and think. What if we were on the other side of the conversation? What if the very thing we are complaining about was taken away from us? Let's put things in proper perspective. Thank God for all that you do have. Thank Him for blessing you with the situation in your life, as this is what He sees fit for you at the current time.
And my God will meet all your needs
according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:19


Sunday, October 27, 2013

The Master's House - Sequel

The preceding post, The Master's House, gave two different scenerios of two different church experiences. The first one was of obligation, with no life being changed. The second one was very different. The person enjoyed attending and was prepared to meet God each time he went. He even went so far as to invite others to go with him.
But take note: near the beginning of this story, the writer says, "I'm not sure I would fit in." Did you notice that?
Why do you think he felt that way? Was his life so messed up that he didn't feel good enough to be among other "good" people? Did he feel they would look down on him? Or maybe, even, he felt too good, kind of self-righteous, and didn't think he would learn anything. He could have church at home. I've known both people, and must confess, there have been times when I thought I wasn't going to get anything out of the service, because there was a guest speaker, or whatever. So I stayed home. Or went elsewhere that Sunday. What about you?
God knows our hearts and motives better than we do, and He gave His life on the cross for everyone; the good and the bad. Everyone needs Him in their lives, and He has shown us His never ending love and mercy. No one is too bad to come to Him. He already knows what that person has done. In fact, He was watching when he did it. And no one is too good, for when he thinks that he is, he is already in sin. God hates pride.
Everyone who goes to church will hear God's Word being preached, and if his heart is receptive, the Holy Spirit will direct it to him in a personal way. The Bible says:
For the Word of God is living and active.
Sharper than any double-edged sword,
it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit,
joints and marrow;
it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.
Nothing in all creation is hidden from God's sight.
Everything is uncovered and laid bare
before the eyes of Him to whom we must give account.
- Hebrews 4:12-13
Also, when songs of praise are sung from the heart to the Lord in church, He is there. Here is what  Psalm 149:1 and Psalm 150:6  says:
Praise the Lord. Sing to the Lord a new song,
His praise in the assembly of the saints.
Let everything that has breath praise the Lord!
Praise the Lord! 
God loves you! He has His eye on you, and wants YOU to join others in church. Everyone who is there are forgiven, and He is pleased when His children gather together to worship Him. Come, no matter who you are, or what you've done. He has something special for you. Come, worship, hear His Word for you, and experience His touch on your heart. 

Saturday, October 26, 2013

The Master's House

Imagine this~

There's a get together going on down the street every week, and alot of people go. I know because I see lots of cars parked outside the place. I haven't gone, even though it's open to anyone. Not sure I would fit in. Anyway, I hear rumors that it's neat inside.  And I can hear the music that's played. Makes me wonder, though, what's the drawing card? Why do they go there, every week?
Well, the other day, I happened to run into a guy who I know has been going, and decided to ask him.
"What's going on there?" 
The rest of the story depends on your situation.
A. He replied, with a serious look on his face, "Oh, we get together at this place every week. When you walk in, you feel differently because of the way it's decorated. Not at all like my house, but this stuff he has there is what he likes, I guess. Seems like everyone goes, and it's a chance to meet up with everybody. I've been going for years...can't remember why I started going. But if I don't go, I'll feel like I'm letting them down." You then ask, "Well, what's the man like who has the house?" He ponders abit, then answers, "You know, I'm not really sure. I've seen pictures of him, but when I'm there, I don't run into him. Seems like I forget to look him up because I'm busy looking around to see who's there. He always seems to have something to say, but I'm distracted with something. To tell you the truth, I don't really think about the whole thing until the next week rolls around and it's time to go again. Maybe next time, I'll check him out."
B. He looked at me, smiled, and said, "You should come with me! It's great and I always leave with a sense that I needed that. The man who hosts it is so warm, you can't help but want to be with him. You know he really cares about you! And I don't know where he gets his wisdom, but everything that comes out of his mouth is worth listening to! He's amazing, for sure. Seems to know me better than I do! My life has sure changed because of him. And for the better. Oh, the music! So uplifting, and we sing it together for him! It's like a celebration of him! Yes, you should come!"
Now, think about the church you go to, and your experience. Why do you go? As you see in the first scenerio, the person goes to God's House, because he's been going for years. His family and friends go, and he feels obligated to go too. He notices the surroundings, but he hasn't met the Master! He hasn't bothered to look Him up to get to know Him. He goes through the motions, week after week, but doesn't know why. His life hasn't changed and he continues to live the life he's been living, even though it may be contrary to what's been preached.
The second situation shows enthusiasm, and the person even offers an invitation to go with him! He really likes the Master and pays attention to what He has to say. He expects to learn something each time he goes, and looks forward to going again. His life has been changed for the better, and it shows. Everything they do in God's House is to celebrate God's love. Their meeting there is uplifting, purposeful and life changing. The surroundings in this House doesn't compare to the radiance of the Master! They are energized to go out and share with others their meeting with Him.
How is it with your church experience? Are you going to church with the right purpose - to love God, to worship Him, to learn from Him? If you were the only person there, would you still be there for Him? Are you allowing Him to change your life? Or do you just go through the motions, getting nothing out of the experience, but to just say you went, and others saw you there.
I encourage you to think about this the next time you go to church. Prepare your heart beforehand to meet the Master. Spend time during the week getting to know Him. Pray. Really pray. Read the Bible, and ask Him to speak to you through the Scripture. Think about Him and what He's doing in your life. Focus on Him. Make Him the first priority in your life. And I assure you, that the next time you go to His house, you will meet Him face to face! You will connect with Him and experience His sweet presence. And you will have a life-changing going on inside of you that you will want to share with others! To God be the glory!


Friday, October 18, 2013

Let It Rain

This morning I was feeling somewhat grieved for what is happening around me. The news report is so very depressing... our government's decisions and actions, our financial situation, the destruction of families, the intrusion of being able to express our Christian beliefs in public, and even the lies that some of my Christian friends are believing. Not to mention the turmoil going on in the Middle East and Israel. What is going on here? Why are people being blinded? Why can't they see what is really going on? It even seems like the Word that is being preached is falling on deaf ears!
Friends, we are entering a time like never before. The way we have had it in the past is coming to an end, and there will be no going back. The Bible says in 2 Timothy 3:1-5,7 -
But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days.
People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money,
boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents,
ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving,
slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good,
treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure
rather than lovers of God -
having a form of godliness but denying its power.
Have nothing to do with them...
they are swayed by all kinds of evil desires,
always learning but never able to acknowledge the truth.

 I remember reading this when I was younger, say twenty years ago, and thinking that's awful; it would be terrible to be in a time like that. But now, I see this as describing what is going on now! What now? What can we do?
Amos 5:14-15 tells us to "seek good, not evil, that you may live. Then the Lord God Almighty will be with you....hate evil, love good."
Amos 5:4 says "Seek Me and live."
Matthew 22:37 reminds us to "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind."
The Bible is filled with what we are to do, and all of us need to read it and apply it. We need to take His Word seriously!
As for the world, we should get on our knees and pray. Pray for our families, our towns, our country, our churches and Christian leaders. Pray that the Holy Spirit will influence them to respond to God's calling. We need a fresh awakening. A revival. Picture this: we are in a spiritual drought, and in desperate need of a Holy washing, a Holy Rain.
You heavens above, rain down righteousness.
Let the clouds shower it down.
Let the earth open wide.
Let salvation spring up.
Let righteousness grow with it.
I, the Lord, have created it.
- Isaiah 45:8
 We need the Holy Spirit to change us, and change the world. We need His cleansing. Let it rain.

Friday, October 11, 2013

God Moment In The Park - Part 2

As I reread my last post about the God moment in the park, I realized how limited my awareness is! Sharing that experience was meant to remind us all how God is at work in our lives. But it wasn't meant to intend that He was working only at that moment!
Think about it. We go on about our lives...we wake up after a night of sleep, we get dressed, eat our breakfast, take out the dog, go to work, eat lunch, do our usual things, eat supper, watch television, read books, and go to bed. We get immersed in our routines, without any realization that what we do is all because of God's love and grace on our lives! It's because of His protection that we get a good night's sleep. It's because of His provision that we have food to eat, a job to earn money, a home and bed to sleep in. It's because of His grace that we can go about independently without being on our backs in a hospital. And if we do find ourselves on our backs, He gives us the grace and peace to endure it. It's all because of Him! Not because of us!
God is in the control room, and He is at work at all times! He uses us to build His kingdom here on earth, and His purpose for us is to glorify Him, to have an intimate relationship with Him, and to obey Him, thereby sharing His love with others.  Are you fulfilling His purpose for you? Have you thanked Him for all that He does behind the scenes?
Every minute is a God moment. Take the time to thank Him!
"My Father is always at His work
to this very day, and I, too, am working."
- Jesus (John 5:17)

Thursday, October 10, 2013

God Moment In The Park

This morning I posted on Facebook: "Be blessed and be a blessing." Little did I know that this would be a reality to me.
After I dropped off my dog to be groomed, I set out for the park to take my walk. These days, the leaves are colored, and starting to drop. The temperatures are comfortable, and this gives me an opportunity to have my time with God. The half hour goes by very quickly!
As I returned to  my car, I noticed an older couple walking in the distance. Very slowly. They appeared elderly, and hand in hand, they were headed back to their car. I opened my door to get in, but was stopped as I felt a thought come into my conscience. "Go pray with them." Mind you, I've never gone to strangers before and offered to pray for them. This was not what I usually do. I reasoned, "But what if they refuse?" Another thought came, "At least you tried."
So, without closing my door, I walked over to them. They were getting closer to their car, and were about to get in. The man had to help his wife. As I approached them, I realized that this couple attends my church! I hadn't recognized them until I got closer. They were surprised to see me, and I told them that God wanted me to pray with them.
The three of us held hands as we prayed. I praised God for who He is, for His love and strength to get through life. I thanked Him for the beautiful park we can walk in, and for each day of life. I asked Him for blessings, and healing, and favor. And I told Him we look forward to spending eternity with Him in His kingdom. They responded while I prayed, and it was a beautiful, love-filled moment. We knew without a doubt that God was with us, and we felt His loving arms around us.
While I was blessing them, I was blessed! The exhilerating experience of responding to the promptings of God stayed with me, even after I left the park. We felt His Holy presence, and I am sure that they were lifted up also.
I am so glad I prayed with them. And I am so glad they were there to pray with! It was a gentle reminder to me that God is involved in His children's lives, and every now and then, we get a God Moment!
"Be blessed and be a blessing!" Yes, Lord!

Thursday, October 3, 2013

What Are Your Eyes Fixed On?

We used to have a dog named Dapper. He was a good dog, but when he was outside, he would wander away if we didn't have him tied up. If someone or something got his attention, he wouldn't hesitate to go there to check it out. Even if we were calling him back, he would ignore us because he was determined to satisfy his curiosity. Sometimes it would get him in trouble!
Now we have a dog named Maggie. She is also a good dog, and when she is outside, she usually stays around us... that is, if our neighbors aren't outside also. (they frequently watch her when we're away and she is fond of them). Wherever we walk, or whatever we are doing outside, she follows us, keeping our whereabouts in her mind. She knows we love her and will protect her.
What about us? What gets our attention? Are we wandering, satisfying our curiosity, and getting into trouble? Or are we fixing our eyes on the One who truly loves us and protects us?
We live in a world that is filled with enticements. Worldly pleasure. Some are good and some aren't. The Bible gives us guidelines to live by, and to help us as we explore our world. If we are wise and love the Lord, then we will listen to what the Bible teaches and abide by its guidelines. Most likely, then, we will stay out of trouble.
Therefore, since we
 are  surrounded  by
 such  a  great cloud
of  witnesses, let us
throw off everything that hinders,  the sin  that  so  easily  entangles,
and   let  us  run  with  perseverance   the  race  marked  out   for  us.
Let  us   fix  our  eyes  on   Jesus,  the  author  and   perfecter  of   our
  faith, who for the joy 
set      before      Him
endured   the    cross,
scorning  its   shame,
and  sat  down  at the
 right   hand   of    the 
throne      of       God.
Consider   Him   who
endured             such
opposition         from 
sinful men,   so   that
 you   will   not    grow
 weary  and lose heart.
Hebrews 12:1-3
We are loved by our Savior! And it was necessary for Him to suffer on the cross for our sinful tendencies to wander. His death and resurrection declared victory over sin and death! And knowing this, we are assured that when we fix our eyes on Jesus, He will keep His watchful eyes on us, and help us.
What are your eyes fixed on?