I was blessed to have a wonderful mother! My memories of Mom are filled with her unending love for me and my brother, and for our father. She was always available for us, and was exceedingly generous with not only her time, but her resources. I always knew that when I needed her, she was there. I appreciated her wisdom and view on things, and unlike my peers, I didn't have one of those generation gaps. She was indeed my best friend! Unfortunately, the Lord took her home too early, when she was only 59 years old. Cancer took her life in three months after the diagnosis. Our family was devestated and in shock, not knowing how we would ever survive her absence. But...we did. And she is etched in our hearts and our memories forever. I find myself, as a mother now, attempting to imitate her mothering style, the best way I can. I know I fall short, and she did also, but there is nothing like a mother's love! It is the most beautiful thing a person can receive while growing up, and this treasure enables one to love others. When one is loved, one can give love freely!
In honor of Mother's Day and all those mothers who give of themselves for their families, I would like to share a video that I just finished, called "How Beautiful Is A Mother's Love". I wrote the lyrics, and the melody is from a Twila Paris song. My friend, Renee Wilson, sings it here. It was recorded at church, and unfortunately the volume wasn't high enough. Still, I hope you are able to enjoy this! Happy Mother's Day!!