Show me the one, show me the way, help me to know just how to share the love You gave.

Look around you! There is probably someone who could use some love! All too often, we find ourselves surrounded by people who are going through some difficult times. Perhaps you are! Whether it's unemployment, family problems, health problems, depression, loneliness, or whatever, all of us would like some relief from what we are going through. We need to see that there is a light at the end of the tunnel!

And there is! The Light of Lights, Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, is willing and more than able to lift us from our darkness, into His pure and safe haven of light. He promises His love and presence to heal and deliver, to strengthen and help, all those who call on Him.

Like the beam from the mighty lighthouse, that directs ships safely back to harbor, His Light is there to show us the way to Him, for Jesus is truly the Way, the Truth and the Life.

It is my prayer that this site encourages you to reflect His light to those around you who need to know Him. Let Him use you to share His love. And as you embark on this remarkable journey, please share your experiences so that all of us can grow together in our quest to reach all the world, lest anyone should perish.

May God richly bless you!

"For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16

Thursday, April 5, 2012

No Greater Love Than His

Easter. What does it mean to you? To alot of people, it stands for the Easter bunny, colored eggs, and springtime. To others, it stands for the cross, the tomb and the empty grave. Quite a contrast, isn't it?
Even though I have included the Easter bunny, colored eggs and thoughts of spring in my Easter celebrations, I have always embraced the truth of knowing that my Jesus loved me enough to shed His blood on the cross for my sins, spent three days in the tomb, and rose again to bring victory to the war on sin! God, being Holy and Righteous, cannot look at sin, and we people are born in sin because of Adam's disobedience. In order for us to be reconciled to Him and spend eternity in heaven, Jesus, God's only precious Son, had to come down from His heavenly throne room, live a human life, and even though He was without sin, He bore our sins on that ugly cross. All because of His great love for us. For you and for me.

"As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you.
Now remain in my love. 
Greater love has no one than this,
that one lay down His life for His friends.
You are my friends if you do what I command.
This is my command. Love each other."
John 15:9,13-14,17

All you have to do in response to His love is to accept it! Realize that you are a sinner, confess that you need a Savior to cleanse you of your sins, and accept Him into your heart. Let Him be Lord of your life. He will do the rest! And your life will never be the same!
There is a song that we will be singing this Easter in church called "Christ Is Risen" by Matt Maher. Let me share some of the lyrics with you:
Let no one caught in sin remain
inside the lie of inward shame
But fix our eyes upon the cross
and run to Him who showed great love
and bled for us, freely You bled for us

Christ is risen from the dead
trampling over death by death
Come awake, come awake,
come and rise up from the grave
Christ is risen from the dead
we are one with Him again
Come awake, come awake
come and rise up from the grave

O death, where is your sting?
O hell, where is your victory?
O church, come stand in the light,
the glory of God has defeated the night singing
O death, where is your sting?
O hell, where is your victory?
O church, come stand in the light,
Our God is not dead, He's alive, He's alive!

Hallelujah!! My Savior is alive! And He's waiting for me! This is an Easter worth celebrating!! Will you join me?

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