There are people who say they are a Christian. Some go to church, and others do not. However, for some, when you look at what they are doing in their lives, you wonder. They admit they don't read their Bibles. They don't even express an interest in talking about God. And their lifestyle is no different than an unbeliever's lifestyle; that is, they don't feel convictions in doing things that God clearly says is wrong. They live a compromised life. While they say they are a Christian, they are what you may say, lukewarm Christians. There is no expressed passion for Christ.
While it is true that only God knows a person's heart, it is possible that we can get a feel of whether he is truly saved, that is, whether he has chosen to follow Jesus Christ as LORD and Savior. And by doing that, he has a desire to please Him and obey Him. He is hungry for more of God in his life, and spends time reading his Bible, praying, and going to church. He has a desire to grow more like Christ, and becomes concerned for the salvation of others, knowing what the Bible says about the consequences of sin and where one spends eternity.
Jesus expressed His opinions about lukewarm Christians in Revelation 3. In fact, He said He was going to spit them out! What! Why? Jesus gave His life for us who claim we are Christians, and wants a Bride who is passionately in love with Him. How sad it will be for those who thought they were going to go to heaven, all because God is love, and "wouldn't send anyone to hell." But they never gave their heart to Him. They never truly accepted His gift of salvation, but based their eternal destination on the religious practices they did in church. They blindly accepted whatever they were taught, but never checked it out for themselves in the Bible. Jesus said that He was even going to refuse those who said, "LORD, LORD" because they never truly knew Him. They had a head knowledge of Him, but not a heart relationship with Him.
How about you? How is your relationship with Jesus? Do you truly know Him, and make every effort to follow Him? Are you passionately in love with Him? Or do you prefer to keep your distance from Him, not wanting Him to control your life?
It is totally up to you. But please remember. Jesus will have the final say on whether He will let you in to heaven. Don't be mistaken or misled. Seek Him now while there is still time. He is knocking on the door to your heart, waiting for you to open it and let Him in. When you do, your life here on earth will never be the same, and your heart will be yearning for an eternity with Jesus in heaven!