This week is Passion Week, when we reflect on the events that happened to Jesus from the time He entered Jerusalem on a donkey, heralded by people worshipping Him with palms, to His horrific suffering on the cross, where He died, and was buried in another man's tomb. Three days later, as He promised, He rose from the grave, bringing death and Satan to defeat. He ascended into heaven, and He promises to return for good as the King of kings and Lord of lords!
This morning as I was reading in the book of John, chapter 13, verse 12, this shouted at me:
Do you understand what I have done for you?
Jesus was modeling servant hood by washing His disciples' feet. He wanted them to do the same for others, so He asked them this question. But this morning, His statement had a different meaning for me. A bigger meaning. That I sense He wants me to share with all of you.
For some of us, we have heard this Easter story most of our lives. Jesus is God's Son who came down from heaven to demonstrate the Heavenly Father's love for us. We are all sinners, which separates us from being in the presence of God. He is holy and will not tolerate sin. The only way He could have His beloved children whom He loves passionately, to be with Him forever after we die, was for Him to provide that perfect, spotless Lamb who would bear our sins for us. Which was Jesus, His Son. He suffered on the cross for us, though He was sinless. He died for us, and rose again, defeating sin and Satan. He ascended into heaven, and soon will return to gather His saints, who are those of us who have truly accepted Him as our Lord and Savior.
Does this story touch you? Or have you become numb to it? There is a movie called Passion Of The Christ, which clearly reveals the suffering Jesus went through for us. Some of us can't bear to watch it, because it's so gory. Makes us feel uncomfortable. But it should!! We need to remember what He did for us. We need to remember the sacrifice He made for us, so we can spend eternity with Him.
To me, remembering what He did for us, magnifies the love He has for us all the more. I can never save myself from hell. And neither can you. Nothing I can do can wipe out the sinful nature that I was born with. It is only through Jesus Christ that I am saved. It is only through a personal, love relationship with Him that I can know without a doubt that my destiny is heaven after I die.
How about you? Do you understand what Jesus has done for you? Really? Place your name below in the blanks to help you remember.
For God so loved ____________
that He gave His one and only Son,
that if __________________ believe in Him
I will not perish but have eternal life.
- John 3:16