Father's Day is upon us, and my mind is drawn to my Heavenly Father. Oh, how much He loves me.
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son,
that whoever believes in Him shall not perish,
but have everlasting life.
John 3:16
Even before I was born, He knew me, and loved me enough to sacrifice His Son to redeem me from my sins. Because I believe in Him and all He has done for me, even though I never deserved it, I am assured eternal life. And forever I will be in the presence of my Heavenly Father!
My Dad knew how to give me wonderful gifts. And so does my Heavenly Father! He knows what is best for me, and in His perfect way and perfect time, He gifts me with the best gifts (Matthew 7:11)
Have you shown the Heavenly Father how much you appreciate all that He has done for you? Do you take the time to thank Him, and worship Him? Even Jesus started out the Lord's Prayer with:
Our Father who is in heaven,
hallowed be your Name.
Your kingdom come, Your will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
Matthew 6:9-10
Today, let us spend time in prayer, thanking our Heavenly Father for the new life He has given to us. For His never ending love, His grace and mercy, and His protection and guidance. He is always near, and hears our prayers. Our Heavenly Father loves us! Happy Father's Day, Abba Father!