I recently had a conversation with a person about God. This person feels she has a connection with Him and has heard His voice. Sounded good to me. But then, as the conversation continued, she acknowledged that her belief is that God is love and everyone He has created goes to heaven. I asked her if she believed that there is Satan, and that we sin. She wasn't sure she did. Then I asked her why Jesus died on the cross. She was alittle vague as she tried to come up with an answer. My phone rang, so our conversation ended.
This person truly believes that she is on her way to heaven. I am so grieved for her, and for countless others who are mistaken. They are ignorant to what the Bible clearly says about God, Jesus, heaven, hell and sin. They don't make an effort to find out the truth, and therefore continue on to their death, never realizing that they are on their way to an eternal separation from God. To the never-ending fire of hell.
God absolutely hates sin! Because of Adam's first sin in the Garden of Eden, we are born in sin, and the debt of our sin had to be paid for by Jesus' death on the cross, and His resurrection. We have to confess our sin, realize we need a Savior, and choose to believe in Him. Sure, God is love. And His love for us is everlasting. But...and this is a big BUT... there are consequences to sin, and He will not allow those in heaven who haven't acknowledged their sin, and who haven't asked to be saved from their sin.
Unfortunately, there are too many people who profess to be Christians, but don't have their beliefs right. Instead of reading the Bible, they make up their own theology. And there are even some churches who aren't teaching them the truth! In the end times, there will be many false teachers, influenced by Satan, to entice people away from God's truths.
What about you? Are your beliefs based on what the Bible says? Now is the time to be very sure of what you believe. You don't know when your life will end. Eternity is forever. Please be sure that you are really going to heaven!