The world beckons us with all its might...popularity, beauty, riches, the fast life, self-centered values. And if we don't or aren't able to measure up to these "values", we can feel dejected and rejected. So unfortunate, since this doesn't have to be if we listen to the right voice.
After Jesus ascended into heaven, the Holy Spirit was sent and to this day, indwells in people who have given their hearts to Jesus. His purpose is to communicate what God is wanting us to hear, and to help us to live the way God intended us to live. His way leads to countless blessings.
To hear God's voice in you, you have to really seek Him. Get in His Word, and spend time in prayer. There's a wonderful Bible study from Priscilla Shirer called Discerning the Voice of God, and she offers wonderful words of wisdom to enable a believer to really hear God!
Here is a prayer that I love and I want to share it with you:
Lord, heighten my spiritual senses to
see that which is not visible
hear that which is not audible
sense that which is not tangible
believe that which is unbelievable
Teach me to sort through
the noises of this world to
hear and discern Your powerful,
wonderful, pure, precious voice.
Speak, my Lord, I am listening!