I came across a verse in the Bible recently that spoke to me loudly:
"You, O LORD, keep my lamp burning.
My GOD turns my darkness into light."
Psalm 18:28
I was in the midst of a time where I felt out of sorts, out of sinc, and
out of tune with God. Don't get me wrong. I love Him and know He
loves me. I trust in Him and know He is in control of things. But still,
there was a heaviness, almost a darkness, that was over me.
Have you ever felt this? You have a head knowledge of
what the Word says, but it's not sinking in to your heart. You're
not feeling it. You think you're alone.
Thankfully, as this verse reminded me, I have a great, LOVING GOD
who knows what I am going through, and He will not let me wander
away or let me down. I may not be able to minister to my soul,
but He can...and He does! He can help me when I cannot
help myself. He turns my darkness into light.
Thank you, my Precious LORD!!